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[pct-l] location of pass? --Junction Pass--Starr's Guide

Maybe this version reads better..

"No Way" is correct on this route. I just looked in Walter A Starr, Jr's
guide to the JMT from the 1943 guide and this route was the original JMT
the blasted route over Forester was built. The route is called the "Junction
Pass route".
To quote the 1943, 2nd edition of Starr's guide going sobo:
"The Junction Pass Trail goes up the East Fk through Center Basin and on
over Junction Pass
(4.5 miles). The Muir route formerly followed this trail over the pass,
descended on the east side
of the crest to the head of Shepherd Ck, and climbed the crest again at
Shepherd Pass to the
head of Tyndall Ck on the Kern watershed. This roundabout route is snow
avoided by the new trail
over Foresters Pass."
This route is no longer maintained, but exists for the experienced hiker.
^ ^ ^
I recommend any PCT hiker pick up Starr's guides when they see them, on
ebay, or else where.
He hiked throughout the Sierra in the 1920s and 1930s on a scale few can
comprehend even today.
His guides are superb for the Sierra adventurer, and he was way ahead of his
time. His spirit and
remains rest upon a ledge below the Minarets near Mammoth.  This link is a
glimpse of his life,
spirit, adventures, contributions, and will show that his spirit still roams
the Sierra within us.
I also recommend learning about Norman Clyde and his time of adventure and
first ascents in the 1930s
Sierra. It was a great golden time for adventurers in the Sierra.
"Defiant mountains beckon me to glory and dream in their paradise." Walter
A. Starr, Jr .


There is a pass to the east of Forester that was once used fairly
 I went over it 25 years ago and it was not difficult to find or  cross.
takes the Shepard Pass trail east.  Cross the pass and  head about a mile
more.  On the topo there is a tarn just east of the  pass.  The route then
its way northwest.  On the topo you can  see a saddle just east of Forester
Peak.  One then drops down into Center  Basin and ultimately hits the PCT

"No Way" Ray  Echols

In the archives, I came upon one or two references to an alternate pass that
could be used if, in early season in a heavy snow year, the snow chute at
Forester Pass seemed "uncrossable."   I may be wrong, but I think the
informal name was "Ski Mountaineers Pass."  The implication was that, under
lots of snow, it would be a lower, easier and safer crossing than Forester,
but that the trail wasn't put there because the north side wouldn't be as
good for stable trail building in dry or normal conditions.  Something like
that.  To date, I have been unable to locate for sure where it is on a map,
but some picture - perhaps in an old ALDHA-West newsletter - led me to
believe it might be the pass to the ESE of Forester, between Forester and
Junction Peak.

Does anyone on the list, who perhaps has done winter mountaineering or
skiing in the area, have any more definite an idea of where this "early
season alternate  route" to Forester might be for sure?

Of course, the easy, quick answer is to say stay out of there in those
conditions, but I would like to be armed with that info, if anyone can help.


Dr. Bob