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[pct-l] --and now water!
- Subject: [pct-l] --and now water!
- From: rbalcorn at gmail.com (backpack45scb)
- Date: Thu Feb 3 12:38:34 2005
- In-reply-to: <20050203091450.086E81D213@edina.hack.net>
- References: <20050203091450.086E81D213@edina.hack.net>
Marzipan, I asked this question a few weeks ago. To summarize the
replies, 2 liter soda bottles, 4L Dromlites, 4L(I think) Platys,
smaller soda bottles. Walking in hot conditions - 1 liter lasts 3
miles. Cook at water sources so you don't have to carry cooking water.
In section A there are 3 waterless stretches of 20 to 25 miles, so 4
of the 2L containers or equivalent capacity would be appropriate.
Note, even when you reach water, the Pioneer Mall trailhead and San
Felipe Creek sources appear to be gross so be prepared to
Ralph Alcorn