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[pct-l] Technology on the Trail
- Subject: [pct-l] Technology on the Trail
- From: judson at jeffnet.org (Judson Brown)
- Date: Thu Jan 20 00:36:05 2005
- In-reply-to: <41EF4188.7080009@verizon.net>
As a teacher, I can tell you that different people have different styles
regarding how they relax, how they learn, and how they concentrate. I, for
one, feel less stressed and concentrate better when I'm listening to music.
I HAVE to multitask and find it difficult to concentrate on only one thing.
I want constant music to accompany my life because I LOVE music more than
anything else, including backpacking. I was brought up with it, I perform
it, and it is inextricably part of who I am. Asking me to go with out music
would be, without exaggeration, cruel and unusual punishment.
So why worry about what floats other people's boats? Vive la difference! I
solemnly promise that my listening to Bach's Cello Suites while traipsing
through the wonders of creation will never adversely affect anyone else's
Respectfully submitted,
(typed while enjoying Brahms's 2nd symphony)
-----Original Message-----
From: pct-l-bounces@mailman.backcountry.net
[mailto:pct-l-bounces@mailman.backcountry.net]On Behalf Of John Mertes
Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2005 9:29 PM
To: Pacific Crest Trail List
Subject: Re: [pct-l] Technology on the Trail
Why do people want constant music to accompany their lives?
I used to have the stereo playing classical music. Gradually I realized
I didn't want this background music (noise). I don't even want the
background music at home. I seldom even play music or have the radio on
while driving.
Turning on a radio to actually listen to the program is something
different. I ejoy listening to Parairie Home Companion on Saturday
afternoon. I stop doing most anything else except perhaps sipping a cup
of coffee or tea and pay attention. This I enjoy. I can't enjoy PHC
while doing other activities.
Maybe I've just lost the ability to "multi-task".
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