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[pct-l] Oregon Supply

Chris is right, you can buy as you go in OR/WA.

BUT (there always is a but! :D), as Chris mentioned
you do to have hitch. I do not care for hitching, so
buying the food in one day then mailing it ahead
worked for me. With the public transportation and the
large grocery stores in Ashland, it is fairly easy to
do this task.

Both methods have advantegous and disadvantages. Chris
already told some of the pros of the hitching to
supply as you go.

I must admit, going to one of those small camp stores
that is right on the trail (or close to it)then
blasting out is a process that works well for me.
I do not enjoy hitching and like to limit my town

Others find hitching a wonderful way to soak up the
local culture and see some small towns along the
It can add some "color" to the hike for some people.

As always, YMMV.

The true harvest of my life is intangible.... a little stardust caught, a portion of the rainbow I have clutched