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[pct-l] Deep Creek Hot Springs

I am a Local and frequent deep creek often.  There is NO overnight camping allowed in the entire Deep Creek Coridor but it is rarely enforced it is a "DAY USE ONLY" area.  There are many who do not respect this law and it is only enforced rarely and I have only heard that it is enforced on weekends and only at the springs.  "Family Camp" is just south and off the trail a few hundred yards (1st canyon slot after the springs) and is a nice place to camp and is as close to legal as you will get at the springs --- legend has it that this is where Charles Manson and Gang camped when they were hiding from the authorities.  I'd be more concerned with illegal drug activity and not so illegal nudity than overnight use.

Steve Peterson <steve_peterson@sbcglobal.net> wrote: 
(Milepoint 309.2)

Is there camping there or not? Yogi in 2003 reports getting booted out of there, 
others in 2004 report camping there. If it is just hit/miss depending on the 
mood/presence of rangers, what about following the jeep road to Warm Spring on 
the other side of the creek--is that feasible and is camping allowed there?

Also, the Guidebook reports that just *before* the hotsprings, there is a 
"streamside terrace where the Forest Service plans an equestrian camp" (p. 150 
in the 6th Edition). Have they built the camp? If not, is it a place one might 
camp assuming one didn't want to take a chance on the rangers at the Hotsprings?

--Steve (who doesn't fancy sleeping on the bridge, a la Yogi & Friends)

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