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[BULK] - RE: [pct-l] Independent Hiking & Trail Angels
- Subject: [BULK] - RE: [pct-l] Independent Hiking & Trail Angels
- From: msaenz at mve-architects.com (Mike Saenz)
- Date: Tue Dec 21 11:44:19 2004
Scratching a message in the dirt to someone a day behind you = $0
Pressing sticks into the trail to message someone a couple days behind
you = $0
Sharpening a stick (with your pound and a half K-bar, Bill!) and pinning
a note onto a post at trailhead = $0 (weight of said K-bar excluded)
Saving that $5 at Echo Lake to spend on an Oilcan = Priceless!
M i c h a e l S a e n z
McLarand Vasquez Emsiek & Partners, Inc.
A r c h i t e c t u r e P l a n n i n g I n t e r i o r s
w w w . m v e - a r c h i t e c t s . c o m
-----Original Message-----
From: pct-l-bounces@mailman.backcountry.net
[mailto:pct-l-bounces@mailman.backcountry.net] On Behalf Of Joseph
Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 2004 8:53 AM
To: PCT@DelNorteResort.Com; pct-l@mailman.backcountry.net
Subject: [BULK] - RE: [pct-l] Independent Hiking & Trail Angels
I have to admit though, $5 at Echo lake to post a message to another
hiker on their outdoor pegboard? Weak.
And VVR - reselling hiker box food and used insoles? double weak...
Just remember that in general these rules apply but their are the the
places looking to rip you off too!
Especially VVR...
Trail Angels - Awesome! (unweak)
>From: "PCT List" <PCT@DelNorteResort.Com>
>To: <pct-l@mailman.backcountry.net>
>Subject: [pct-l] Independent Hiking & Trail Angels
>Date: Mon, 20 Dec 2004 18:27:48 -0800 >
>2 points I want to make up front:
>* Your thru-hike is an INDEPENDENT undertaking.
>* Gathering a list of trail angels names & phone numbers from
Campo to Manning, >should not be an integral part of pre-hike
>Last summer I was forced to read journals instead of hiking, by my
own decision.
>Of course, they were ALL entertaining. :) One shameless CDT journal
I read briefly should >have been named, "Leeching from Glacier
to Gila: a thru-hikers guide".
>IMHO, "a thru-hike is an independent venture to be shared with
others, not for others >to endure". Others may not share your
enthusiasm for YOUR hike.
>I've heard a number of complaints about the PO in Echo Lake. Here's
tip: plan your
>visit around their business hours, not what's convenient for YOUR
Be patient with
>them, YOUR needs do not come first. It's a busy place, they have
other customers as >well. Knocking on PO doors (or any business)
after hours is poor planning on your part, >sets a very bad precedent
and reflects very badly on the entire hiking community.
>Trail Angels and the 'magic' they provide are truly a luxury. They
are instigators of >"timely good fortune".
>You have no right to ask of others what you are capable of obtaining
yourself. Trail Angels >are not provided as a convenience with your
permit. If you abuse this priveledge, it will >disappear. If you ask
a stranger for help, doesn't it seem logical to exhaust all of your
>options first?
>When you think of Trail Angels, you have to think of the Saufley's.
Had I NOT camped on >their lawn, had I NOT let Donna do my laundry, I
would have felt guilty, like I was disrespecting >a long held
tradition. :) With that said, to see some people stay for days was
beyond my >comprehension. Maybe everyone is ok with that, but I
didn't get it (my issues).
>It's YOUR hike. Before you burden someone with your adventure, ask
yourself if this is really necessary.
>One final stone to throw. How about a thru-hiker Code of Conduct? A
list of thou shall and thou shall nots?
>Something everyone can carry with them along the trail....assuming
it's not to, um, heavy. ;) > >Scott > >
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