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[pct-l] Steve's Excellent JMT Adventure

Marshall Karon wrote:
> Nice review.
> Guess you know where to carry your permit next time. Did they ask to see 
> your bear canister (or was that pretty obvious)?
Yeah, it was about the first thing out. She did want to know that all my food 
fit in it (it did), and that all my garbage fit, too (it did). I buried my 
permit because I was afraid of losing it if I kept it in something I accessed 
more often; it was in my first aid stuff (I know, that should be more 
accessible, too) which I've never accessed on any hike. I kept it more 
accessible after that but saw no more rangers. I heard later that this woman 
"has a reputation for strictness", but don't know that she's more strict than 
anyone else.

> Regarding food consumption - most people can't eat that much when first 
> starting out. I'm not surprised that you couldn't eat all you carried.  
> But, when you do the whole PCT, you may find you need everything you 
> carried this time. So, don't presume you will need less by the time you 
> reach Kennedy Meadows. The real hunger often doesn't start until after 1 
> 1/2 months.

That was my understanding, too, although I had heard things like
"developed thru-hiking appetite after two weeks" so I figured maybe
it would hit just before I finished. Part of the issue was the extra-cold
weather--I just didn't want to stop to eat as often as I did on
the first part of the trip, combined with the fact that there's
just no way to eat frozen PB&J; the other aspect was some of it
just wasn't that tasty.

-- Steve