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[pct-l] Go-Lite
wildcat - here's my real quick answer: the smaller your pack, the less
able you are to take things that are not truly necessary.
I did 408 miles of the PCT between tahoe and whitney with a 1900 c.i.
pack. I had to strap my sleeping pad and tent on the outside of the
pack, but it worked.
> Hello all~
> A real quick question that requires a real quick answer. I have fully
> embraced the ultralight backpacking philosophy and now I am forced to
> make a backpack decision. Let me first say I am sold on a Go-Lite
> bag, but my primary concern is how much pack volume I am going to
> need. I hear a lot about the Breeze, but I find that pack to be a
> cosmetic nightmare despite its obvious delights. I am currently
> trying to decide on the Jam, which is smaller than the Breeze, the
> Trek, which is considerabley larger and the Speed which is too. I
> feel that if I get an opinion from the very well informed (you guys) I
> can be swayed against my instincts to buy a larger volume pack. Any
> and all advice is much appreciated. Thanks again!
> Wildcat Dave
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