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[pct-l] And now a joke....Mountain Lion...
Ok, you asked for it. If a Grizzly eats a Mountain Lion, isn't its scat..."Kitty Litter"....
-Mountain Goat-
Paul Magnanti <pmags@yahoo.com> wrote:
To lighten the mood a bit:
QHow can you tell the black bear and grizzly bear scat
A. Black bear scat has nuts and berries in it.
Grizzly bear scat has bear bells in it.
Thankyou! Thankyou! Be sure to try the buffett!
PS. Talked to Marhsall Karon today. Many of you "know"
him from this list. He is in Denver seeing his sister
and about to do the Colorado Trail. Schedule
permitting, we hope to see each other Friday before he
is off on his trek.
The true harvest of my life is intangible.... a little stardust caught, a portion of the rainbow I have clutched
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