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[pct-l] Re: Ultra-light Digital Camera Recommendation
anyone tried the Casio Exilim. I am thinking about getting one. its
tiny and one feature that it has that seems cool to me is a voice
recorder. I think this owuld be good because youc an make memos about
what you are taking a picture of. When I get home, I am always saying
to myself "now is that such-and-such lake or some other lake?"
> This weekend I was getting ready for this summers trip and I weighed
> the digital camera we are taking. The Nikon D70 w/18-77mm lens weighs
> in at only 49 oz. Dam, my two man tarptent weighs only 40oz. I'll
> make my wife carry her camera. :)
> Tim and Ann
> The Ravens
> PCT '96
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