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[pct-l] maybe some good news about ETNA

Bradleys Alderbrook Manor is on the market for $399,000.    It was closed 
down after last season because the owner, Dr. Joyce Bradley claims she was 
losing money in the venture and has decided to travel the world.  She is 
currently on the road somewhere and has left things in the hands of a real 
estate agent.  Her former manager of the place is clueless as to what will 
happen to it.  The main house is completely empty of furniture now, although 
all the beds and furniture are still in the hiker hut.  I personally think 
the place will eventually be bought by someone with plans other than to run 
a B & B

I got this info from my parents who live 30 miles away (in Yreka) and 
checked the place out for me last week

Dan Tattersfield

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