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[pct-l] Food Packages -- Priority Mail vs. First Class

John wrote:

>I am interested in hearing about PCT thru-hikers experience in mailing
>food packages.  Were there significant delays in arrival?  Any packages
>that did not show up?  Damage in shipment, etc.  Yogi has made her
>opinion clear in her Handbook.  What have others experiences been?  ....

I wouldn't mail anything important to Ollallie.  I mailed there in 2002 and 
2003 and didn't recieve them. The first time was probably only allowing  2 
weeks, The second was the big fire last year, I think they held them up at 
the post office.
Ya pretty much need a parcel there cuz the little store is hard to resupply 
out of. I wouldn't send gear or  anything you couldn't hike without.

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