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[pct-l] Re: [at-l] The future of backpacking ?

At 11:30 AM 3/4/2004 -0800, Ken Powers wrote:
>For those thru-hikers who just can't give up the heavy gear or extras.
>Check out this web page:
>If this really works maybe we will all be carrying those confort items we
>want instead of the lightweight gear we carry now.

"In the UC Berkeley experiments, the human pilot moved about a room wearing 
the 100-pound exoskeleton and a 70-pound backpack while feeling as if he 
were lugging a mere 5 pounds.
  If the machine runs out of fuel, the exoskeleton legs can be easily 
removed so that the device converts to a large backpack.

LOL So will "the fuel" be readily available along the AT? And if'n we run 
out, who wants to carry the 100# of exoskeleton + 70# backpack? I think 
I'll stick to the old fashioned way of hiking, with *my* legs.