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[pct-l] Tahquitz Inn Alternative?

I asked around in Idyllwild last summer and the only cheap place was the
Taquitz.  The others were around $90.  Granted, I was there on a
weekend, but at one point Glory and I had a crowd of 5 or 6 locals 
around us and the only cheap place they could come up with was the 
Taquitz. You might try inquiring at the movie theater/rental store, 
which is right in the heart of town. The woman there directed us also to 
the Taquitz.   

The state park is right next to the 
Taquitz and costs something like $2.  That is where I would stay if I 
was hiking through this summer.  For rides, I would stand next to the
outfitter and hitch up.  Climbers will be out and about and heading to the 
Devils Slide.  Sharon and Will hitched up with no problems last summer. 
Second car, I think, stopped for them.


On Mon, 8 Mar 2004, Kent Ryhorchuk wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> As we already know, the Tahquitz Inn in Idyllwild is closed this year.
> Looking back through the archives, I could not seem to find any
> discussion as to what a good alternative would be - i.e. reasonably
> priced, friendly people, possible ride back to the trailhead, etc. Any
> suggestions?
> Kent.
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Christopher Willett
Department of Mathematics
Indiana University
831 East Third Street
Bloomington, IN. 47405-7106