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[pct-l] Backpacking Computers
Hi Diane,
It is not as strange as it seems to consider a PDA-like gadget to take with
you on the trail.
Look at it from this side: would you take paper and pen to write in a diary?
Would you take a camera?
For some of us typing up our diary is much easier to do, and it would save
me the trouble of transcribing the whole story afterwards. And if the thing
you use as a diary is a camera at the same time, it saves weight.
Myself, I would not really want a phone or GPS. I am still undecided about
music on the trail. I'd probably not want it the vast majority of times, but
a few times, when it gets really tough, I would probably love it. Right now
I just try to sing 'The Flintstones' or 'The Muppets' twenty times, which is
about the level of my singing talent. I will take a camera, but the ones in
phones and PDAs do not have the quality of image that I want.
Still: the time I would be using a PDA would be very small indeed. And it
would not detract from the joy of being out there. Like my flashlight does
not detract from it, or my camera, or my water filter, for that matter. It
would only be a tool.
Just my 2 cents.
> From: "Diane Ely" <littlemazdatruck@hotmail.com>
> Date: Sat, 13 Dec 2003 10:21:06 -0800
> To: Hiker97@aol.com, pct-l@mailman.backcountry.net
> Subject: RE: [pct-l] Backpacking Computers
> I hate to be a wet blanket, but isn't one of the joys of backpacking to get
> away from this stuff? I mean, if one must take the office with them, why
> bother going?
> (Hey, I think I just found my new trail name.)
> Wet Blanket
>> From: Hiker97@aol.com
>> To: pct-l@mailman.backcountry.net
>> Subject: [pct-l] Backpacking Computers
>> Date: Fri, 12 Dec 2003 21:56:32 EST
>> What is the best camera/computer/GPS/phone/radio combination Palm type
>> computer for 2004? Seems like these things are getting to be sophisticated
>> enough
>> to seriously consider for the trail. The solar cell rechargers are nice
>> too.
>> Thanks, Switchback
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