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[pct-l] **REAL** WINNERS are
- Subject: [pct-l] **REAL** WINNERS are
- From: calliger at infolane.com (Richard)
- Date: Fri Sep 26 14:20:46 2003
I believe that is what I said! <g>
At 02:08 PM 9/26/03 -0400, dude wrote:
>the real winners are those who hike their own hike and do whatever
>the heck they want without regard to any definition of "real winner"
>except their own definition. if your goal is to hike the PCT faster
>than anyone else in the world, then that is a admirable goal. if your
>goal is to hike the PCT for as long as possible, that is an admirable
>goal as well. if you goal is to day hike one afternoon on a 1/2 mile
>section of the PCT and never do anything else, that's cool too.
>If someone is happy about their accomplishment or plans, then I like
>to be happy with them and support them, no matter what my subjective
>judgement of their accomplishment is.
>> At 01:22 PM 9/26/03 -0400, Eric Lehman wrote:
>>>> The real winners are the ones who can afford to take as long as
>>>> they want in reaching their destination.
>> Richard pecked out in response:
>> hmmm...sounds a little elitest maybe? I don't know...I am in
>> great need to get back to the trail after doing Whitney last
>> weekend and my fiance is moving in today so maybe I should not be
>> writing... but it sounds like the real winners are *anyone* who
>> trys and sets a foot on the trail and experiences even 1 mile of
>> the PCT, AT or CDT...
>> R
>> At 01:22 PM 9/26/03 -0400, Eric Lehman wrote:
>>>> The real winners are the ones who can afford to take as long as
>>>> they want in reaching their destination.
>>>> -Chuc
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