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[pct-l] 2004 gonnabes
There was a similar discussion recently. You might check the archives.
Then you can start a group. Jim Keener and I are planning it as are others.
We're both planning on doing the JMT next month (at different times) but it
seems a good precursor for the PCT (about 9% of the length) although much
nicer conditions next month. Topics for the GonnaBe's can start out with
food, resupply, stove choices with fuel, water, filtration (or
purification), sleeping bags etc.
PCT '04 GonnaBe
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mountain Maiden" <mtnmdn1225@yahoo.com>
To: <pct-l@mailman.backcountry.net>
Sent: Sunday, July 27, 2003 10:11 AM
Subject: [pct-l] 2004 gonnabes
> Hi Folks!
> We are in the (pre) planning stages of a 2004 thru-hike.
> Is there any kind of (ala AT-L) PCT-L CLASS OF 2004 forming?
> We thru-hiked the AT in 2002 but are definite newbies where the PCT is
> Any suggestions, recommendations, information, etc will be much
appreciated! We are neighbors of Dan and Gutsy who are on the Trail as this
is written and hope to glean as much info from them as possible when they
> Regards to all,
> Sunny and Frank (aka Sunrise and Sunset GA-ME 02)
> Remember that happiness is a way of travel - not a destination.
> Roy M. Goodman
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