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[pct-l] trail report
Good to hear from you, and good to hear you were willing to bail. It sounds
overall like you've made some awesome memories - your trip on the JMT later
this season should be equally memorable. You'll have a marvelous time, see
the wildflowers you otherwise would have missed, and not have to mess with
too much nasty snow. Good for you. Congratulations on your decision in
June - you and your wife demonstrated much wisdom. I hope you have more
great trips together.
Christine "Ceanothus" Kudija
"Never measure the height of a mountain, until you have reached the top.
Then you will see how low it was." Dag Hammarskjold
----- Original Message -----
From: "GOLDFARB,NATHAN E" <natgold@ufl.edu>
To: <pct-l@mailman.backcountry.net>
Sent: Saturday, July 05, 2003 12:48 PM
Subject: [pct-l] trail report
| Hi all-
| Thanks for all the help for our JMT trip. Unfortunately, we had
| to bail due to the snow. My wife and I just weren't comfortable
| with traversing very steep and VERY exposed snow fields, ice ax in
| hand, on Whitney ( as of June 13). Lots of snow in the Sierra!
| Still a lot in late June! PCT'ers recommended we bail if not
| comfortable with that. The cables on east face of Whitney weren't
| up, either. Very dangerous. To some, these snow fields may be
| mellow, to us they were gnarly! Had a slip on the way up Whitney
| from Guitar lake..was proud that i instinctually assumed self
| arrest position. The slip was on exposed slope and my wife
| brain-locked. Fortunately, I stopped slipping or else........
| We traveled California (Redwoods, Big Sur, San Fran, LA, Palm
| Springs, Sequoias) and then did the Tuolumne Mead. to Happy Isles
| section. Terrific!!!
| All in all a great hike. Horseshoe Meadows to Whitney Portal was
| awesome sans the sick snowfields. Whitney rules!!! then Tuolumne
| to Happy Isles was killer! The hike up Half Dome was excellent.
| the cables not for the faint at heart. And, boy was I sore the
| next day!
| Another year, later in the season, I will finish the middle
| section of the JMT. Evidently Forrester and Muir pass were
| totally snow covered.
| THings learned: the Sierra are dangerous and should be respected
| the Sierra are not for those afraid of heights!
| I love the Sierra, but the Appalachians is where
| my heart is.
| Signing off for awhile,
| Nate
| "Katabatic"
| --
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