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[pct-l] Trail Town CD Burning

Big Bear is large, but there is no Kinko's there.  You'd have to go down to 
the Valley (not advised but you could most likely do it on public 
transporation).  There may be other alternatives, but the old stand buy 
(Kinko's) is not present in Big Bear.

Mojave?  Nope, not even up in Tehachapi.  But I didn't go up to Tehachapi, 
and again, you might find a "Kinko's Like Service" up there.  Closest one is 
in Palmdale 32 miles south of Mojave.

South Lake (one of my favorite trail towns simply for the closeness and 
variety of services), again the answer is no.  You'd have to go to Carson 
City - 21 miles away.

Ashland?  Nope.  You'd have to go 14 miles north to Medford (not too hard to 
do, I believe there is public transport).

Note that I got ALL this information from:


Finally, I only looked at the above page.  There may be other services in 
these cities where you could burn a CD or you may run into folks who have CD 
burners and let you use them.  But there is no Kinkos.

There may be other national chains offering services similar to Kinkos 
(OfficeMax for example), you may want to poke around on the web and see if 
they offer a "Find a Location" service.

-Mike D-Low-Renzo

>Message: 6
>Date: Thu, 8 May 2003 17:03:52 -0400 (EDT)
>From: jea21@cornell.edu
>Subject: [pct-l] Trail Town CD Burning
>To: pct-l@mailman.backcountry.net
>	<Pine.SOL.3.91.1030508164439.26265B-100000@travelers.mail.cornell.edu>
>Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
>Hi!  Please tolerate me extending this dialogue.  I'm thinking 1) taking a 
>bus from big bear city to big bear lake, 2) mojave, 3) south lake tahoe, 4) 
>ashland.  If one of you rugged former through-hikers comments on the 
>likelihood of burning a CD in these cities, you may sit on my face.  -jon a

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