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[pct-l] RE: Blister prevention (socks)

>"Tim Reid" <allangrey@hotmail.com> wrote:
>The tried and true method ...to use polyester dress socks (the slicker the
better) inside >real good wool or other hiking socks.

Also consider white 100% nylon socks.  White is supposed to be a better
anti-fungal color, but beside that, they work. Great.  And places like
Wal*Mart and KMart have white work socks, not dress socks, that are even
cheaper.  I wore two pair and carried only two other pair, letting the
non-worn pair dry on the outside of my pack.  Nylon or polyester; they both
dry quickly on and off your feet.
They may seem thin, but they work.  Try it out.  I was once a non-believer.
I tried it and hiked the whole PCT in them with very few problems, none of
them related to the socks.

I did have warmer wool socks for sleeping and emergencies, but I never hiked
in them.

John B./Cupcake