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[pct-l] John Muir Trail Questions
- Subject: [pct-l] John Muir Trail Questions
- From: reynolds@iLAN.com (Reynolds, WT)
- Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2002 22:51:43 -0700
The normal way to split the JMT is Bishop Pass. Nine days is about
1/3.Either VVR or Muir Trail Ranch will leave you a LONG hitchhike to
Fresno. I would exit via Piute Pass instead if I could do it in nine days.
Otherwise I would start at Tolumne Meadows and exit at Bishop Pass.
-----Original Message-----
From: Susan Faidley [mailto:theatbutterfly@yahoo.com]
Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2002 7:03 PM
To: pct-l@backcountry.net
Subject: [pct-l] John Muir Trail Questions
I appreciate anyone that can offer some advice concerning
an upcoming trip on the John Muir Trail that I am planning
for this summer. I only have about 9 hiking days and
plan to do about half of the JMT.(unfortunately, the
necessity of work makes a longer hike impossible this
year.) Can someone recommend a good point to come off the
trail? I have the data book and a couple of PCT books, but
nothing is giving me much info concerning the two choices I
see....Vermillion Valley Resort and the John Muir Camp. Is
either one of these a better stopping and getting back on
point for next year than the other? It appears that the
Modesto or Fresno airports would be the best to take into
Yosemite. Any thoughts there? And also what about the
possibility of finding a shuttle driver who will take us
from the airport to Yosemite or possibly a bus that runs
from the airport?
And what about a shuttle from the stopping point? I
appreciate any input very much!
Thanks. Butterfly GA to PA 97 to 00, PA to ME 01
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