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[pct-l] 5 miles...
- Subject: [pct-l] 5 miles...
- From: jomike@snowcrest.net (JoAnn M Michael)
- Date: Fri, 12 Apr 2002 08:23:49 -0700
Scott, my, my...someone is in a bad mood! Relax, life is good no matter =
how you 'hike your own hike' or feel about Strider. As my husband =
always says (quoting a former baseball player) "If you've done it, it =
ain't bragging." =20
"self promotion..." ; "Belittling the accomplishments of others..." =
These are NOT descriptions of Strider.=20
"Use what talents you have: the woods would have little music if no =
birds sang their song except those who sang best."
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