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[pct-l] Arrow shaft 101 class and Tyvek supplies.
If you have a special tent that the poles are lost or partly broken, arrow
shafts are a good source of Easton alum. To make poles just uses XX75
Superlight shaft 2113 ( which is 36 inches long and cut to your spec. length)
Then buy XX75 Superlight 1913 arrow shaft which will slide into the 2113
shaft to make insert connector. ( You will also need to buy the 2 tube Epoxy
and glue in ONE end of insert, then go can take your poles apart) You can
replace your old cheap fiberglass poles this way. ( Cabelas sells arrow shaft
blanks for around 35.00 a dozen which would make frames for a couple
Northface V-25 tents. Tyvek??? I tried to get a roll at homedepot ,but they
were out. ( Sells for 77.00 for a 9'X100' roll) I'll try to bring a roll to
kick-off and will sell for a buck a foot. ( So a 10'X9" sheet will be 10.00)
I will bring all the tools and supplies for anyone who wants to make an
alcohol stove as well. See you soon, Monte
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