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[pct-l] ADZ and Kelty
- Subject: [pct-l] ADZ and Kelty
- From: csiechert@hotmail.com (Carl Siechert)
- Date: Thu, 4 Apr 2002 14:32:05 -0800
Yep, only three weeks 'til ADZPCTKO...and there are still lots of folks =
looking for rides and offering rides. Take another look at the ADZPCTKO =
ride board at http://pct77.org/adz/rides.htm . Maybe you can hook up and =
help a fellow hiker.
Btw, we now have 126 people registered to attend; that ought to scare =
off anyone else in the campground.
I also want to dispel a rumor that has shown up on this list and in =
private messages from list members a few times in recent months. Reports =
of Dick Kelty's death are, as Mark Twain wrote, "greatly exaggerated." I =
spoke with him just a few minutes ago to invite him to ADZPCTKO. I know =
there are a lot of people in attendance who'd love the opportunity to =
see him again--and I thought he'd be interested in seeing the latest =
gear. Unfortunately, he won't be able to make it. But dead he's not!
:: Carl Siechert
:: 1977 PCT Kelty Kid and 2002 ADZPCTKO webmaster
:: http://pct77.org/adz=20
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