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[pct-l] JMT: advice needed on best time to hike
I have hiked in aug/sept and had TONS of mosquitoes and I have hiked
in june/july and seen hardly any mosquitoes.
In my experience, the mosquitoe population depends much more on the
previous winter's snow levels, rather than which month. If the snow
fall is 300% of normal like in 1998, then count on tons of mosquitoes
in any month because all the meadows will be saturated with standing
water, which is the perfect breeding environment for mosquitoes.
If the snowfall is light and it is a drought year, then there will
likely be fewer mosquitoes in any month and fewer as the summer
continues until they will be imperceptable in september.
This year looks like it will likely be close to a "normal" snow year,
which means that there will be a few mosquitoes in the low areas near
water and probably fewer mosquitoes in the higher areas and areas
with no or little water.
Also, the JMT is overall a little higher in altitude than other
sections of the PCT. It has also been my experience that there are
generally fewer mosquitoes on the JMT than nearby areas that are
lower in altitude.
If you are really concerned, take 99% DEET repellent and use it
liberally. It will produce light chemical burns on your skin, melt
any plastic (like watches, glasses, etc), and may cause cancer, but
you will NOT get any mosquitoes on you. For those who are very
mosquitoe-phobic, also bring a headnet and cap along with long sleves
and pants.
good luck!
> I have hiked south from Donner Summit to Kennedy Meadows in August-
Sept. No
> mosquitos, no high water in the streams, almost no snow, warm, etc.
> people on top of Whitney than early summer. Definitely a different
> experience from going South to North in the main season.
> Marshall Karon
> Portland, OR
> m.karon@attbi.com
> (503) 232-5271
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Eric Miraglia" <emiraglia@mac.com>
> To: <pct-l@mailman.backcountry.net>
> Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2002 10:34 AM
> Subject: [pct-l] JMT: advice needed on best time to hike
> > I am hoping to hike the JMT portion of the PCT southbound from
> > Meadows in Yosemite to Buckeye Flat in Kings Canyon this summer.
> > reading through as many PCTer journals as I could find, it sounds
to me
> > that the mosquitoes are horrendous enough to make the trip
unpleasant at
> > certain times. I'm wondering if there are times when the weather
> > still nice (ie, long days, warmer/dryer weather) but the
mosquitoes are
> > less obnoxious along this stretch of trail? Or are mosquitoes
just a
> > constant nemesis for the JMT throughout the July-September hiking
> >
> > Any advice would be appreciated!
> >
> > Thanks,
> > -Eric
> >
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