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[pct-l] San Gabriel snowpack
- Subject: [pct-l] San Gabriel snowpack
- From: rogercar@pacifier.com (Roger Carpenter)
- Date: Wed, 3 Apr 2002 21:41:39 -0800
I'm going to be in So. Cal. in about 10 days to attend a conference, and =
I'm going to hike somewhere on the PCT for the weekend, April 13-14. =
What's the snowpack in the San Gabriels near Wrightwood? What about =
around Big Bear in the San Bernardinos? I'm looking at hiking south of =
San Jacinto, near Big Bear or near Wrightwood. I'm looking forward to =
hiking the PCT in California again, even if it's just a couple of days!
Roger Carpenter
PCT '96
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