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[pct-l] JMT hiking time - what do you want to see ?
- Subject: [pct-l] JMT hiking time - what do you want to see ?
- From: scourtway@bpa-arch.com (Steve Courtway)
- Date: Wed, 3 Apr 2002 11:55:09 -0800
My preferred time to be in the sierra nevada is early to mid july.
By that time the snow is consolidated and makes for easy walking.
I enjoy the mix of flowers, greenery and the excitement of the melt=20
far more then the brown grasses of most of August and September.
By Aug./Sept. most of the snow is gone as well - far less visual =
Avoid mosquitos by camping high. I've observed at that time of
year that some areas such as 1000 island lake area have large,=20
slow lumbering moskys that aren't much of a bother. Last year,=20
I was up around new army pass / cottonwood pass / rock creek and avoided =
reports of the worst mosquito season ever by simply camping high.
Steve Courtway
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