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[pct-l] RE: Knowing it all
- Subject: [pct-l] RE: Knowing it all
- From: woodsps@home.com (WoodsPublishing)
- Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2001 14:07:12 -0800
>And, I agree with you...the amount of 'holier than thou'; I have ALL =
the =3D
>answers to EVERYTHING, and, of course, MY way is always RIGHT for =3D
>EVERYONE else attitude, does get to be a bit much (okay, a lot much).
>I almost always shy away from extremes...the folks that are always =3D
>positive their way is the only way, never cease to amaze me...I thought =
>I was the ONLY one who knew everything!!!!!! :)
Ya know, people who think they know it all are really annoying to those =
of us who actually do...
And if you're so bored, what are you doing reading this??? The thought =
crosses my mind to go take a walk.=20
Has anyone ever done long stretches of the PCT in winter on =
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