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[pct-l] Re: Moving or sitting?
In a message dated 11/18/2001 4:32:01 PM Eastern Standard Time, d111@jps.net
> For the record, Sly, in case you thought my decision to "turn around and
> head back" was a spur of the moment thing, the decision to attempt a YOYO
> was actually made in 1997 towards the end of my first thru-hike.
> By not going "public" I was able to hike on my own terms and not endure
> the B.S of other people telling me how to live 5 1/2 months of my life,
> as Brian unfortuneately has.
It didn't matter to me whether you you preplanned it or did it on the spur of
the moment, I thought it was a cool thing. I applauded your effort as well
as Scott's and Doug's that year, as I did Brian this year and LightingBolt
for that matter. When he finished the PCT this year and posted it to another
list, I emailed him privately and ask him if I could post it here. It was a
great post.
I hope you didn't receive me wrong, but as I wrote, I was only playing
"devils advocate" when he said something about prime hiking time and
suggested late summer and fall are also prime time hiking. It wasn't
intended to be derogatory, only list banter. I guess I missed the mark.
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