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[pct-l] know it all
- Subject: [pct-l] know it all
- From: jomike@snowcrest.net (JoAnn Michael)
- Date: Sun, 18 Nov 2001 10:23:28 -0800
Good morning Amigo,
As Tom Rogers told me once, most of the bitching and highly opinionated =
posts are due to boredom and 'what else are we going to do this time of =
year?' (though certainly not all)
And, I agree with you...the amount of 'holier than thou'; I have ALL the =
answers to EVERYTHING, and, of course, MY way is always RIGHT for =
EVERYONE else attitude, does get to be a bit much (okay, a lot much).
I almost always shy away from extremes...the folks that are always =
positive their way is the only way, never cease to amaze me...I thought =
I was the ONLY one who knew everything!!!!!! :)
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