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[pct-l] Banner verses Mt. Adams.
Which is tougher?? This one is a no " Brainer" !! ( Excuse the pun) Adams
contains miles of Glacier ice with a 6,700ft. elev. gain from Cold Springs
trail head. ( On the other hand Banner is 12,900ft. high ,but the parking lot
is located at 12,500ft.) Also, the Deadly Pacific Norhwest weather is a
constant danger this far North. The only danger Banner offers is from being
hit by a errant golf ball due to it's closeness to South Cal golf courses.
Even if a climber gets by the cougars,bigfoots and hypothemic weather , he or
she stands to lose their life from the difficult South Climb route!! Banner
climbers need only worry about rangers begging extra trail snacks from them
on the way to the summit!! Just kidding--- Banner is a great climb that I am
jealous I haven't got to do yet!!! Boo Hoo!! Singing Steve left White Pass
today with his Dad to finish his trip this year. Saw Camera Dave in Cascade
Locks Monday Morning and got a good e-mail from Engish hiker Tony Measures
today. ===== Action??? I remember it well as several of us camped out by the
PO on an old flatbad wagon . Never met any trail trails though. In the 1977,
a trail angel was a policeman in a small town who " Didn't" want to see some
ID. Take care, and hope to go to White Pass around the 9th or 10th of Sept.