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[pct-l] Express your opinion!

I belong to a few different e-mail list groups, primarily outdoors =
focused. At times the debate over topics such as land management =
policies, mandatory bear canisters in the backcountry, or leave no trace =
ethics can become as heated as this summer's raging fires. While we may =
long for a reprieve from the political when we venture into the woods, =
the fact remains the outdoors is a very political place. Especially =
these days with threats of opening up the Arctic National Wildlife =
Refuge for oil drilling, shrinking habitat for large mammal species, and =
the realities of global warming. Balance that with a growing population =
seeking comfort and recreation within our wild areas.

It is my hope to bring creative debate over these many issues facing our =
nation's wild areas to Hike the Wild readers in a weekly column. I am =
open to different perspectives on any issue affecting the wild. I may =
not agree with everything posted in this new editorial column, but as =
long as the view is expressed with intelligence and professionalism, it =
is welcome.=20

Do you feel passionate about protecting a certain roadless area? Are you =
angry about land management quotas? Send your editorial essay of fewer =
than a thousand words to hikethewild@hotmail.com=20

Be sure to include your name and return e-mail address. A trail name =
works fine, also. Hateful or unprofessional manuscripts will not be =
posted. Subjects must also be timely and relevant to Hike the Wild.

So, come sit around the fire with us for a little friendly debate. We =
may not be able to solve the complex problems our wild lands are facing, =
but perhaps we can understand them better when viewed through each =
other's eyes. I'll bring the hot cocoa!

Gina Leach, Editor www.hikethewild.com

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