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[pct-l] Delorme TOPO USA 3.0
Hi Paul,
I've already posted a couple of times about DeLorme TOPO USA 3.0 inaccuracies. I wouldn't use the product for any trip I might do. I recall many other trails in my local area are similarly inaccurate. I sent my version back and got a refund.
Paul / Maryann Lockey wrote:
> For anybody that is interested and is using TOPO 3.0 map I just talked to one of there reprehensive and the PCT on their software doesn't even follow the real trail. He referenced one spot and I looked it up and sure enough the trail on the software is not the same as the one on the software. I asked him why they have the wrong trail on the map and he said their source might be as far back as 1975. Somebody might want to let hiker trash know.
> Paul
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