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[pct-l] Delorme TOPO USA 3.0
- Subject: [pct-l] Delorme TOPO USA 3.0
- From: plockey@austin.rr.com (Paul/Maryann Lockey)
- Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2001 16:20:26 -0500
For anybody that is interested and is using TOPO 3.0 map I just talked =
to one of there reprehensive and the PCT on their software doesn't even =
follow the real trail. He referenced one spot and I looked it up and =
sure enough the trail on the software is not the same as the one on the =
software. I asked him why they have the wrong trail on the map and he =
said their source might be as far back as 1975. Somebody might want to =
let hiker trash know.
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