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[pct-l] List Content

I was over at friend of mine this afternoon enjoying a warm southern 
Californian afternoon and cold beer.  We guestimated that about 70 to 90% of 
the participants to this list will not likely have a chance to thruhike the 
PCT.  Of those, we guestimated (might as well, once we got started, going on 
was easy!) more than half wont ever be able to afford either the time, money 
or opportunity to hike more than one month continuously on the PCT ever in 
their life.  

Then, making the bold assumption that these guestimates are somewhat correct 
(I know, this is bold, arrogant and grossly assuming), it can be surmised 
that the focus on long distance hiking strategies are not what most of us are 
solely concerned with.

It could also explain why flames are so easily generated.  The frustration of 
hearing about so many doing what most of us only dream about can get to you 
as you are sitting pounding away at the keyboard and not out there.

Just some musings on a hot evening, from an aging hiker, longing to be out 

The good news is:  there is still time!  I checked.  I went down to the 
cemetary yesterday and looked at all of the headstones and you know what?  
Not one had my name on it yet!  Yippee!

Greg "Strider" Hummel - packing my old Kelty in preparation

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