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[pct-l] call for itineraries through lake strewn wilderness for a post-frost fall backpack
I forgot about this area Tom- ...I agree it is close to being the best-- A
side trip
up to Cloudripper will get you into a beautiful lake with NO bears-
they hang around the Basin...
Mt Sill is a *tough* walk-up-- ie, Class 2, but doable easily if you
take an extra day. The views are *VERY* much worth the climb.
See Secor, if you don't have that guidebook- his is the best (well-
just becasue my name is in it doesn't mean a thing!!)...
Rich Callliger
At 11:41 AM -0800 6/21/01, Reynolds, WT wrote:
>Probably the best single loop in the Sierra is the North Lake to South Lake
>loop out of Bishop. You will be within 300 yards of water almost everywhere.
>A more agressive approach is to continue past LeConte Canyon southward up
>the Golden Starecase to Palisade Lake, then take the x-country over several
>xcountry passes to Dusy Basin. I have heard that Mt. Sill is a walkup but a
>very tough one.
>PS: South on the JMT from Tuolumne is also nice as Rich mentioned.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Mike Neubig [mailto:neubig@salk.edu]
>Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2001 10:54 AM
>To: pct-l@mailman.backcountry.net
>Subject: [pct-l] call for itineraries through lake strewn wilderness for
>a post-frost fall backpack
>Hi All,
>Any suggestions for a one-weakish backpack of 10-15mi/day that
>would lead one through upper elevations (>4000') laced with
>swimable waters - be they lakes, creeks, ... - along the PCT
>or elsewhere in the West?
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