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[pct-l] G4 packs?

I'll be experimenting this year with a Dana lightweight pack that I got at
the end of the summer last year - (the model name escapes me just now,
sorry!) and will see how it does on a 4-5-day trip this May.  I've loved my
Dana Glacier since hiking 1500 PCT miles in '94, but it IS a heavy pack,
around 6 lbs.

My take on the Golite & other hip-beltless models for women?

If you're a Scandinavian goddess-type with Valkyrie shoulders, they might
work.  If you're not...like me, 5'-5.5", with small shoulders - I sincerely
doubt it.  I use my waistbelt even on a summit pack for stabilizing &
support.  The way I see it, women's hips are genetically programmed for
carrying kids, so why not use 'em for packs?  I've never found that the
hipbelt, if it fits well, constricts my ability to hike.  I think the pack
support the hipbelt provides far outweighs the weight it adds to the pack.
omho, of course.

Jenny Jardine might disagree; it would be nice to hear her unbiased opinion
of the Ray Way....  If the pack fits....

fwiw - Christine