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[pct-l] Greetings All
Ah yes...the archives. Damn. I have already broken a cardinal rule: Don't
ask questions until you search the archives.
Though I am quite savvy with computers, I haven't participated in a list or
a newsgroup in several years. My apologies.
Thanks for response.
-----Original Message-----
From: R.J.Calliger [mailto:calliger@infolane.com]
Sent: Friday, March 30, 2001 11:06 AM
To: Kevin Mulligan; PCT-L@mailman.backcountry.net
Subject: Re: [pct-l] Greetings All
A course is most likely overkill unless you plan to do some
serious peakbagging (sidetrips).
I recommend you search the PCT archives wherein there are
a lot of good posts re Ice Axes. I seem to recall it is a recurring
thread here. (I speak from one who has taken many mountaineering
and technical climbing courses; however I do "serious peakbagging").
The archives are located at:
At 7:15 AM -0800 3/30/01, Kevin Mulligan wrote:
>Greetings everyone-
>I just joined the list a couple of days ago and have been quietly observing
>the various conversations. But I must confess that I have felt like an
>eavesdropper. So, I am writing this quick post to say hello everyone. I
>be hitting the trail in April of 2002. Before that time, I am quitting my
>9-5 desk job here in Boston and driving cross country. With the exception
>some of the narrow minded postings re: Illegal Immigrants, I must state
>I am thoroughly enjoying this list and getting pumped about the trail. So
>thank you.
>Now, for my first question.
>Ice Axes: I just finished reading Karen Berger's (sp?) book on the PCT and
>she exhorts the use of Ice Axes.
>Though I spent to weeks in ANWR this past summer, I never had to use an Ice
>Axe even when going over snow covered passes. Is this skill (along with
>Rescue) something that I can easily pick up with a demonstration from a
>fellow hiker. Or would it be wise for me to take an intro Mountaineering
>Somehow, my gut tells me that this might be helpful but slightly overkill.
>If any of you have thoughts on this subject I would be interested to hear
>Thanks in advance
>-Kevin Mulligan
>-----Original Message-----
>From: pct-l-admin@mailman.backcountry.net
>[mailto:pct-l-admin@mailman.backcountry.net] On Behalf Of Steve Courtway
>Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2001 4:47 PM
>To: PCT-L@mailman.backcountry.net
>Subject: [pct-l] feeding the immigrants
>>I feel this issue is way blown out of proportion
>>and if anyone -hiker, refugee, salesman etc- wants
>>some water or food from me out there, I'd be happy to share.
>Judging from the size of some of the groups of MHEs
>I've been passed by (complete with coyote in lead with
>mirrored aviator shades and the only backpack), you
>better bring a double size tarp along for section A,
>because you're gonna have a boy scout style pancake feed
>on your hands.
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