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[pct-l] section A permits.
CMountainDave@aol.com wrote:
> I like the Adventure Pass notices that were posted on many of the PCT
> trailheads. Since I wasn't using a car I felt I was getting a freebie by
> being able to hike the trail without paying. I really shouldn't be saying
> this because SOMEBODY out there will try and make me feel guilty about not
> paying my fair share. But don't worry. Some bean counting administrator out
> there is no doubt plotting some sort of revenge. How about hidden cameras and
> a "Ten most wanted PCT scofflaws" list posted at all the Post Offices along
> the way? ("Sorry, sir, but we can't give you your package until you cough up
> your user fees and penalties")
Careful Mountain Dave. You'll give the federal bureaucrats a new idea on how to
make money -- they will attach a "user fee" to each package sent for a hiker to
pickup. First at the post offices, then onto UPS and private parties. After that
they will attach a surcharge to all food purchased by non-locals at stores near
the trail unless they can show the store clerk their RV outside. About the only
way to avoid all these fees will be for you to bring ALL your food from home and
start with a 200+ pound pack which will gradually get lighter at you get closer
to Canada. Cheers. <G>
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