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[pct-l] Just North of the Border

I have spent a little time on and near the PCT just north of the border, =
have met and befriended a few Border Patrol Agents, and learned a few =
things on my own. This is certainly not gospel, but it is the best =
information I have right now.  Things may change and often do. =20

There are several kinds of border crossers; those looking for work, =
those smuggling them, and those smuggling drugs. PCT hikers are very =
unlikely to encounter any drug smugglers.  They are much too cautious =
and much better planners than to encounter hikers.  Ditto the coyotes =
who smuggle the job seekers.  A hiker is much more likely to encounter =
the ordinary job-seeking border crosser whose primary goal is to get out =
of the border region without getting caught. They usually try to avoid =
hikers, but if they get lost, tired, hungry, thirsty or scared, they may =
risk an encounter with a hiker for food or water. Some encounters are =
accidental.  It gets dark out there. Sometimes you can't see more than a =
few yards up the trail. Sometimes the trail is the only way to get where =
you want to go.  If hikers encounter border crossers, there are a few =
things the Border Patrol Agents have told me that might help.  If you =
see them from a distance, and they see you, use your camera or other =
similar object to simulate using a cell phone. Simulate dialing and hold =
it up to your ear. Virtually all of them have seen a lot of American TV =
and they pretty much believe that all Americans have cell phones and =
they always work.  This technique has worked several times to my =
knowledge. If an encounter is made at close quarters, simply tell them =
you cannot help them, and leave.  The longer you stick around talking, =
the more likely you are to be threatened.=20

A little about the Border Patrol.  They apprehend 400,000 undocumented =
people a year (CA to Texas), which is most of those who attempt to =
enter.  The BP know their territory.  They have planted motion =
detectors, vibration detectors, microphones and heat detectors. They use =
night vision glasses, helicopters and fixed wing aircraft. The BP have =
shown me around inside their ops headquarters, which is technologically =
very impressive. They take pride in what they do. The coyotes have for =
years told the undocumented crossers to move at night and rest during =
the day. Little do they know that the BP own the night!  A BP agent =
usually performs a variety of tasks.  One day, he may sit with =
binoculars and a radio, watching and reporting.  One day he may be a =
driver. One day he may be a walker.  Usually just after dawn, a van full =
of agents will drive the border road which was dragged the night before. =
When they see footprints headed north, an agent jumps out of the van and =
follows them. A BP on walking duty may walk well over 20 miles a day.  I =
have found the BP to be very friendly, very helpful, and very =
knowledgeable of what PCT hikers are doing.=20

Last summer, humanitarian groups started stashing water for use by the =
undocumented border crossers.  It was usually marked with a flag on a =
pretty tall flagstaff. Of course the BP knew all about this, but they =
did not stake out the water stashes, nor did they dismantle them.  The =
BP have a job to do, and they do it very very well. They have saved the =
lives of hundreds who were caught in the cold or the heat. They place =
paid commercials on TV in foreign countries trying to discourage border =
crossing, not because it is a violation of laws, but because it is =
dangerous.  I admire the men and women of the BP. Without them, southern =
California and the PCT would be very different.=20

I hope this is helpful to the hikers who have had questions about border =
safety.  Bottom line, you have more important problems to solve than =
safety from the actions of other people. Wishing everyone a good hike, =
and especially a pleasant beginning. Hikers should not be discouraged by =
the many unknowns at and around the southern trailhead.  Be seeing many =
of you at ADZPCTKO. Hike on!!  Bob Riess

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