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[pct-l] Amigo needs Poles
I haven't done miles and miles on the PCT or elsewhere. However I do
use trekking poles. I started with a pair of Leki anti-shock with
straight grips. Last summer I splurged and bought the Leki Titanium
Ultralight PA [Positive Angle grips] poles. These poles don't have
anti-shock springs; thought I'd miss them but I don't.
I have carpal tunnel syndrome and find the PA grips help a lot both
the better gripping angle and the improved wrist strap assembly. I do
have problems with my elbows also, sort of "tennis elbow" except I don't
play tennis. Don't miss the antishock; just put the poles down gently
and I do all right. No need to waste energy and wreck your arms whacking
the poles into the ground.
I ordered my poles direct from Leki; they have a web site. Search on
Hope this helps.
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