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[pct-l] Help???
Valerie- :Like John, I am in the EMS field. I have been a firefighter/emt for
almost 25 yrs. I used to carry more than is practical. I have it pretty well
shaved down to what is likely to be needed.
Here are a few things I think are necessary:
Aleve or the anti inflammatory of your choice
foot stuff-
Johnson and Johnson blister block[I much perfer them to Second Skin, I have
field tested both]
J&J waterproof cloth medical tape
mole skin
duct tape
neosporin or some other anti bacterial ointment
4x4 sterile and non sterile dressings
a couple of rolls of cling or roller gauze
a perscription of antibiotics
pain killers stronger than aleve[except for people like me that can't handle
My 1st Aid kit fits in a zip lock bag and weighs 4 oz or so. I think it covers
most bases. I used to carry snake bite kits and ladder splints. I don't think
all that stuff is necessary.
A good 1st Aid class wouldn't be a bad idea either.
Happy Trails
Tom in Sacramento Ca