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[pct-l] Help???
Valerie asked,
> I am currently in the process of putting together an emergency kit for PCT
hikers. I would love to hear any suggestions other than the usual band aids,
gauze, ointments, bandages, and blister care products that might be added to
the kit. Thanks
I spoke to the Chief Trauma Surgeon from a Texas hospital last fall and, and
he indicated that as hiker, he would take Bag Balm as the all-in-one
ointment for abrasions, burns, chapped lips, cuts, insects bites, etc. I
also second the recommendation to take some Vicodin for pain-killing
emergencies. Working as an ER Technician in an ER/Trauma hospital I have
seen it amazing powers. It may be the thing that will help you get out
should an emergency arise.
And, less I forget my roots, be sure to take and know how to use, the right
equipment to care for your feet.
John Vonhof
Fixing Your Feet: Prevention and Treatments for Athletes; Second Edition