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[pct-l] Tarp v. Tent
- Subject: [pct-l] Tarp v. Tent
- From: reynolds@iLAN.com (Reynolds, WT)
- Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2001 09:42:47 -0800
I don't use a groundsheet. However, 1# 13oz is the actual weigh of my tent
with titanium stakes using my electronic scales. I have a TYVVEK groundsheet
for it that weighs 3-5 ounces. Therefore, if you add some kind of mosquito
netting capability to your weight and I add a groundcloth weight to mine,
the numbers are about equal. True, the newer Nomad tents are over 2 pounds.
I remember your tarp. Very nice. I am NOT arguing against tarps. I will try
the Nomad on Section A this ADZPCTKO and I expect it to be VERY hot and
CRAMPED. Th Nomad was designed for occasional use on the AT where many, if
not most nights hikers sleep in towns or shelters.
-----Original Message-----
From: Ronald Moak [mailto:ronm@fallingwater.com]
Sent: Monday, March 19, 2001 8:20 AM
To: 'Reynolds, WT'; 'Catjlin@aol.com'; pct-l@mailman.backcountry.net
Subject: RE: [pct-l] Tarp v. Tent
When I left Campo last summer, my tarp/tent weighed in at 24 oz. That
includes stakes, poles, guys, groundcloth and stuff sack. And mine was
bigger than many, with enough room to sleep two people and gear.
I don't believe the 29 ozs for the Nomad doesn't include stakes, poles,
stuff sacks or extra ground sheet.
Ron "Fallingwater" Moak
http://www.fallingwater.com/ <http://www.fallingwater.com/>
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