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[pct-l] Too much planning
I began obsessing about my PCT hike in '99. It got to be much too complicated
and involved so I just got the town guide and played it week by week instead.
I enjoyed the spontaneity of the hike by doing it this way and the options
spontaneity afforded made me feel entirely free of the rigidity that too much
planning can cause. Thoreau said simplify, simplify and that turned out to be
great advice. My only obligation was at least 100 miles a week. (17 miles a
day, 6 days a week). Pretty easily done by most thru hikers. 20 miles a day ,
6 days a week is how I would do it in hind sight (after a 1 - 2 week break in
period) with 16 mile days from Kennedy meadows to Tuolumne meadows. If you
left Kennedy on June 15 that gets you to Canada about Oct 10 usually in time
to beat the big Cascade snows. What's the rush to finish any earlier than
that unless you have a strict deadline of some sort? (job, school, family
obligations, etc)