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[pct-l] Re: Info on PCT
Howdy Al!
I can only aspire to be hiking at 72! I have a ways to go and hope that my
legs and back hold up. Okay, you ask a lot of questions here that may best
be answered by many on the PCT List, which I have copied to. I'll try to do
the best I can on the rest:
<< I am interested in doing a section of the Pacific Crest Trail. I hope to
from Campo to Kennedy Meadows. I wanted to start on March 15th but was told
it was unsafe for a single hiker. This was because of little traffic except
for smugglers and illegals. I was going to by pass Mt. San Jincento because
of snow since I have completed that already. I have also done the John Muir
<< Would it be safe if I started before the kick off in late April? >>
In my opinion a 72 year old would not be safe leaving alone that early. Not
only due to the illegal alien situation (which I think is overblown as they
don't want to interact with ANYONE!) but due to hiking alone as Marge, the
old gal, did last year. She broke her leg on the side of Mt. San Jacinto and
sat for three days before someone came along to help.
<< I understand that the PCT Hikers Kick Off will be held at Lake Morena
Regional Park on the Weekend of April 27 thru 29. and any Hiker is welcome,
and is held by hiker enthusiast, that have hiked all, or parts, of the PCT
have the latest info about the trail, as well as water stashes, that they
put out on, or near, the trail during the month of MAY. Would I start at
Campo and hike to Lake Morena Regional Park? How far would that be?>>
About 22 miles.
<< What is average day and night temperature? >>
At that time of year the area around Campo can be up to 75 to 80 degrees F
during the day with a high chance of rain. Night time temps average in the
low 30's.
<< At what areas may have water shortages during this time of year? What
be the most water I would have to carry? >>
The San Felipe Hills north of Scissors Crossing is the longest dry stretch.
It is about 40 miles to Barrel Springs. A water stash is maintained by the
Sierra Club generally after the ADZPCTKO into the month of May and sometimes
into June. Two other water stashes are maintained by the supporters of the
ADZPCTKO. One at Scissors Crossing, as the water there dries up later in the
year and long before that becomes highly undrinkable. The other is just off
of the Highway To The Sun across from the former Lucky 5 Ranch. The water
stashes are for situations where hot weather and lack of other water sources
late in the year put hikers at high risk. Therefore, if you do not need the
water you should not use it.
I would carry a gallon of water out of Scissors Crossing.
<< What would the best places to have food nail to? I like to carry about 7
days of food and eat at towns where food is available. >>
I'll let the PCTL answer this one as the last time I hiked the trail was back
in 1977 and so my information is quite up to date.
<< I average about 12 to 14 miles a day depending on elevation. I am 72
old I travel light with 10 days of food my backpack weights only 28 lb.
without water. I usually carry two quarts of water. >>
<< Thank you,
Al Mader (lonetrail) >>
Good Luck Lone Trail!
Greg "Strider" Hummel