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[pct-l] it's been a long time
- Subject: [pct-l] it's been a long time
- From: TUBABABE@psu.edu (Jennifer Doebler)
- Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2001 12:06:09 -0500
Greetings PCTers!
Wow, it's been way too long since I've read or written anything to this =
list serv. I had to unsubscribe while I was student teaching and haven't =
logged on since. My hiking partner and I did 1000 miles in the summer of =
1999, and I have recently gotten time off work to go hike a bit. So, I'm =
section hiking from Campo till Mojave/Tehachipi stating in mid-May (I =
know, a little behind). I just wanted to hear any input about these =
first 500 miles or so that I should be aware of...anything new in the =
last two years? any dramatic changes? Share the wealth of knowledge!!! =
:) I look forward to having my inbox filled with PCT news once again...
Excited to be back,
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