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[pct-l] ELTs - was: need some info
At 03:14 AM 3/8/01 , JoAnn M. Michael wrote:
>. What would you, who are "in the know", suggest for a
>safety/fallback devise in case of an emergency? What would you
>recommend I take w/me in case of injury, etc? Is there anything
>(relatively light weight) I could carry w/me to reach the outside
For emergency contact I would suggest a light weight Emergency Locater
Transmitter (ELT).
ELTs are built to survive an airplane crash so they are pretty sturdy, so
they are not particualry light. Automatically activated version are
required equipment in aircraft. They signal satellites and will initiate a
full scale search and rescue effort within an hour of activation.
I did a quick search and found several references to the particular model :
Emergency Products Corp. EMERGENCY BEACON EBC-102
12oz ~ $315.00
This is not a "talk to home" radio. This is a "I need rescue, come get me"
device. A smoke flare would probably be a good supplement to go with it, so
you could signal the search aircraft when you see it circling.