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[pct-l] Buy a Gun, Save a Park
You gotta hit the trail worse than me I think :-))
At 7:49 PM -0800 2/26/01, Montedodge@aol.com wrote:
> Little known fact is 10% of Fed. tax on Firearms goes to National Park Fund.
>England and Austrailia basicly lost all rights to own firearms( for the good
>of the people of course )and now crime has tripled. Too bad they lost a way
>to inhance their parks as well. I guess their government just forgot to tell
>their bad guys to turn their guns in as well! I'm sure our criminals are
>more behaved and would comply with the rules if U.S. was to take away our
>2nd amendment. Having said that, I feel no need to have or use a firearm on
>the PCT, but would feel more comfortable meeting the biggest biker in the
>world with a handgun than a nation in which only the government is " Allowed"
>to own firearms and defend itself. A law is being brought up a West Virginia
>that will make it illegal to sleep in any room of your home but the bedroom.
>( True Story) Also another in New York that makes owning , buying or saling a
>toy handgun a crime. Yes , your government will think for you from now on!!!
>We need more laws. Ya! PS When Guns and Bibles are outlawed, only then can we
>have true peace! ( TIC)
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