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[pct-l] alternate routes
In a message dated 2/25/01 11:48:36 AM Pacific Standard Time,
Bumblefist@aol.com writes:
> I took a similar route from Lake Hughes but didn't walk the aqueduct. Mine
> started the same way by going over the ridge and passed the reservoir to
> 170th st. but then I just walked that road all the way to the end where it
> turned into a dirt road and lead me back to the PCT at Cottonwood Creek (
> Map
> E 12 ). This saved about a day and a half but I would not recommend it if
> it
> is a really hot day with no wind to cool you down. There is no shade along
> this route and the road can get darn hot. This by the way, was the
> original
> route for the PCT before the trail was completed west of here.
As hikers, whether section- or thru-hikers, if we just choose a route that
looks good on a map, but doesn't match the marked PCT, can we really say "I
hiked the PCT?"
In my book, I couldn't deny that such a hiker walked from Mexico to Canada,
but because of the chosen route, I'd have trouble looking up to him/her as
one who "hiked the PCT."
Your opinion probably varies. If you have a conflicting position, state it,
but I won't comment further.
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